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Flexnet Licensing - What does the "Last Modified" column refer to?

7 - Meteor

Searched the help and the community but couldn't find an answer.


On the Flexnet licensing site what does the "Last Modified" refer to? Is it the date Alteryx was last used? 


Likewise - when does the "Update" column have a value?




P.S. Is there any update on when the licensing site will be fixed?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



You're right on the Last Modified column - this would be the last time someone opened Alteryx Designer and the license was validated.

The purpose of the Update column is to track version updates however this is not currently implemented.

7 - Meteor

Thanks @MichalM 


Can the help page be updated with that information?


Do you have any info on when the Flexnet site will be made "user friendly"? I feel like I'm having a bad SAP dream when I have to look things up now. (I have posted my suggestions to the ideas forum and one of the moderators stated than there are known issues that are being addressed.) Cheers.

5 - Atom




Would the license seat be validated every single time the designer app is opened by the user or would this only happen sometimes or based on how the license was activated to start with? I am license admin for 24 designer licenses and i notice some inconsistencies on how this field is updated on the flexnet licensing portal. In any case i am also quite unhappy with how the portal works. primarily because is is so slow when charging a new page but also because finding what you need is not so evident and requires to many clicks. i will post my ideas on the idea board as well.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Please do. The more feedback we gather the better; I agree that some of the functionality is hidden behind too many clicks.


As for your question, validation will be attempted every time Designer is open. Whether it's successful will depend on connectivity with our licensing server.

9 - Comet

Hi @MichalM , I am noticing the same as @mlepee where the Last Modified column is not updated for some users even though they've used their license since the Last Modified date displayed. Any ideas or tips on deciphering Last Modified column logic or other available data elements to access the last time an Artisan used their Designer license?
