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Find and Replace OR Multi Row Formula?

5 - Atom


I am hoping to get some guidance.
I have a data set with a single column that combines Year/Month (data type: V_String). See Figure 1 below.

I need to split out the Year/Month into 2 columns - Year and Month.
This is simple enough with the text to columns tool.
Where it gets tricky is trying to populate the rows after the first row.
I have tried using the multi-row tool, but I get stuck




Figure 1.

Row NumberMonthRegionDATA
12022/JanACT - Metro0
2 ACT - Rural0
3 New South Wales - Metro0
4 New South Wales - Rural0
5 Northern Territory - Metro0
6 Northern Territory - Rural0
7 Queensland - Metro0
8 Queensland - Rural0
9 South Australia - Metro0
10 South Australia - Rural0
11 Tasmania - Metro0
12 Tasmania - Rural0
13 Victoria - Metro0
14 Victoria - Rural0
15 Western Australia - Metro0


Step 1.


Its trying to configure the multi-row tool with the correct condition function that is where I am struggling


I think the problem is coming in with my Expression:
IF IsNull([Year/Month])
then [Row-1:Month]
else [Month]


Please let me know if anyone has a solve for this?

18 - Pollux

you want to bring over the field from [Row-1:Month Name] (your new field - not [Month] you also may need to set up scenarios for what happens for the first and last record.

12 - Quasar

Your formula is telling it to use [Row-1:Month], but that would also be null, you want it to be [Row-1:Month Name]


I would also suggest an alternative of using the multirow tool to bring down the Year/Month column instead and then splitting to columns so you are not having to do multi-rows on both columns (assuming you need both columns).

 IF IsNull([Year/Month]) then [Row-1:Year/Month] else [Year/Month] endif

