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Filtering the data

8 - Asteroid



I want to filter the data for those row which has punch-in and punch out for the same date.


For ex EMP ID 101 For date 09-03-2022 he has punch in and out for same in same day in first row.


I just want to take such type of rows where punch out is before 24:00:00.


How can we do this?


Thank you in advance.



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @sgaryali,


you can do this using a filter tool and using the custom filter. The main thing here is to transform both your texts to dates understood by alteryx. To do this you can use the formula DateTimeParse and then set the date format.


I did it with the formula below in the filter : DateTimeParse([Punch-In],'%d-%B-%y') = DateTimeParse([Punch-Out],'%d-%B-%y')


This formula transforms your text to a date and then compares both it does not take into account the hours/minutes


I hope it helps

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @sgaryali, how does this look? Within the Filter expression, I'm just using the DateTimeParse() function to convert your incoming dates into a format that Alteryx knows and can work with. The '!=' part is just saying that the dates don't equal each other and we therefore get the following outputs:


True anchor - dates different:




False anchor - Dates are the same:



8 - Asteroid

Hi @DataNath 

May be I was not able to explain it better.

But this is not the solution I am looking at.

I want to filter out that data which has Punch IN and Punch out for the same date (Column D & E)

& Column C

For ex Emp ID 101 - His Schedule date is for 09-03-2022 and he is punching in 09-03-2022 21:00 and punching out at 09-03-2022 23:30 in same date which is row no 2.

Where Emp ID 103 - His schedule date is for 09-05-2022 and he is punching in on 09-05-2022 21:00 and punching out at 09-06-2022 12:30

but for the same Emp ID we have same scenario in row 6 as of the above like row no 2 but since we already have initial punch in and punch out for the same date we are not going to consider it.

I know it is bit confusing but I hope I was able to clear it out.

Thanks let me know if require further clarification.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@sgaryali I'm not sure I'm following sorry. So all 3 of the dates (Date, Punch-In, Punch-Out) need to be different, and if they're the same, filter them out? With you mentioning EMP IDs, do the records for each ID need summarizing/grouping to find the first punch-in and last punch-out and then work from that?

17 - Castor

@sgaryali , please find the workflow. I have created it covering all the scenarios told by you and as per my understanding. Please let me know if it helped.

Sapna Gupta
8 - Asteroid

I got the solution.


Thank you :)

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