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Filtering in Input Tool

5 - Atom

(Couldn't find a post on this, but I apologize if there is already one out there.)


To speed up my queries, I have been trying to filter my data earlier in my workflows by...

  • Selecting the fields I need in the "Input Data" tool instead of the "Select" tool
  • Adding simple WHERE clauses in the "SQL Editor" interface in the "Input Data" tool

The WHERE clauses in particular really seem to help, so I have been trying to use more of them, but I have noticed that they do not seem to work when I am specifying rows with a string instead of a number: 


Works.PNGDoesnt Work.PNG


Does anyone know why that is, or how I can troubleshoot this error?

15 - Aurora

Hi @Skylar

Can you try single-quotes around the string?  Depending on the database, that might help.

 - John


5 - Atom

Should have thought of that--that worked! 


That is going to be a huge time saver for us and should take a considerable load off of the database. It stores all transactions in the same table, so being able to filter within the "Input Data" tool will be a big help.


