Hello all,
i have gone into a weird situation in while writing the data to excel file using output tool ..
the data is being displayed in Results Bar, and Browse tool. But it is not being written to Excel file thorough out put tool.
Can anybody tell how to overcome in such scenario.
Any help would be highly appreciated
Thanks you
So you have some input stream, you filter it and see the records you expect to see in the T/F section via a browse, and when you output the Excel no data shows up? Any sample you can share? So after the workflow runs and you browse to the output via file explorer there is no file or a file but with no columns or only some columns showing?
Can you share either your workflow or at least a screengrab of the config or your output tool? Also - can you confirm that as @john_watkins points out there are records in the true anchor of your filter tool?
Yes, but due to some risk factors I can not share the workflow or data 😞