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Filter Tool Bug


I have a workflow that runs quarter over quarter comparisons which uses 9 different date filters starting from the constant user date. I have found an issue where the filter tool using >= will skip the first day of a quarter (4/1, 7/1) whereas the <= will not skip the quarter start date. I have attached screen shots of the input and both filters and results. I have also attached this example workflow.



  • Bug
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Joe_McCoy 


I am able to run your workflow and experience the same issue. 


Can you split up the filter expression and create another date column via a formula tool? (See workflow).


I have attached another method that you can follow for the filter to function properly. 


Hope this helps.


Hi @Joe_McCoy 


I feel its a quirk of trying to filter between two different data types, Date and DateTime. For example see below:



Original Field - the DateTime calculation and it's result, note it has the time element included

DateTime field - conversion of CUR QTR CLOSE_DATE to a DateTime format

Less Than and Greater than fields - the original filter test between Original and CUR QTR CLOSE_DATE

Less Than and Greater Than Test 2 fields - the same filter but this time compaing the DateTime field to the Original, note the Greater Than works.


If you convert the CUR QTR CLOSE_DATE to a DateTime type, or, convert the DateTimeAdd calculation to DateTime (using ToDateTime) then it works as expected.




Thank you for the simple explanation. I am still a little fuzzy on why the <= was working correctly and not the >= but wrapping the month subtraction in a ToDate() solved the issue.
