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File output poser for you

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,


My challenge is splitting the data I have as an output into tabs by country and then appending the file with the date the workflow was run!


I know how to split to tabs using the 'Take File / Table Name from Field' option so each country gets its own tab within the workbook, I have also used the formula tool to create a 'date run' output to change the entire file path so it creates the workbook with the date run.


My question, is it possible to have both and create the sheets dynamically? Currently, I am having to create a separate output tool for each sheet and if a new country provides data, it isn't dynamic. Any ideas?








12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @Bigmonki ,


Have you tried implementing the file creating logic in the form of a Batch Macro.


With that you can create one file at a time dynamically regardless of the number of countries.


Please find the link below on how to create and use a batch macro.


Hope that helps.




12 - Quasar

Hi @Bigmonki 


This works.  Please 'Like' and 'Accept as Solution' if you agree.


Use the layout with section breaks and render out.

DateTimeStart() is ideal




13 - Pulsar

Hi @Bigmonki 


You were really close with your initial workflow. 


Just modify your formula to include Country as the Sheet Name:



Then setup your Output tool the same way you had it. 




This will dynamically add tabs to the file as new countries appear. 


The solution @HomesickSurfer provided works as well utilizing the reporting tools. But I wouldn't use reporting tools to solve for this output, since we can get the same results within one tool. Unless of course you want to provide some sort of formatting. 




12 - Quasar

Thank you @Maskell_Rascal for the mention and attesting to the viability of my proposed solution.  I felt that given the output is 'User compliance' the output would be a report (with formatting, possible headers/footers, etc.) opposed to static data for other purposes, hence the use of reporting tools.  I do like minimal tool solution though!

8 - Asteroid

Thanks everyone, some great solutions and shows there are many ways to solve a problem. Not sure with Batch macros, I would have to play some more!


@HomesickSurfer I like your solution and it has helped in understanding a little more about reporting tools which I have steered clear of until now. This has helped me with other challenges so for that I am very grateful.


@Maskell_Rascal simple, it is the quickest and easiest way to solve my immediate solution, thanks. 
