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Facing Error: Input Data /XML parse failure

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I am trying to merge all input files with a wild card (" * ") which has same set of names as "Default123" but unfortunately although all of them are ".xlsx" format and not corrupted/do not have any sort of errors, I am getting an error as "Error: Input Data (5): Corrupt File: XML parse failure - cell has no column definition" every time even if I select other files with the same names. 


Can anyone please help me related to the issue as it seems to be not working even if I feedle with the configuration pane. I have attached all screenshots for reference. 



13 - Pulsar

Hi @db89 


Have a look through this thread, there are a few suggestions on it that you could try -



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar


Could it be that the sheet names aren't the same on the files that you're trying to bring in? @db89 


All the best,


8 - Asteroid

@BS_THE_ANALYST  no they are all consistent in every worksheets. 

8 - Asteroid

@DavidSkaife yeah saw this but not helpful enough. :(

13 - Pulsar



Worth a shot! Are you able to share a file with us so we can have a look?


Incidently, can you import a file without the wildcard? i.e just one file by itself?

8 - Asteroid

@DavidSkaife Unfortunately I wont be able to share as it has sensitive data. But what i figured out is when I'm reducing the number of texts in each columns of the extract it is working! Like say one column has 2022:v1.2:123 and i reduce it to 1.2 across and make similar changes in the rest of the columns it is doing its job. Is it limiting itself due to characters present in the columns?

13 - Pulsar



Just had a thought after looking at your screenshots again, try turning the AMP engine off in Workflow Configuration and see what it does?




8 - Asteroid

@DavidSkaife oh thats selected! Recent developments i have seen is, i deleted extra blank columns from extreme right and bottom all of them are getting merged with wildcard barring one which states "Warning: Input Data (1): The file "Default123.xlsx|||`ReturnInfo$`" has a different schema than the 1st file in the set and will be skipped" 

So now out of 9 remaining 8 are getting combined absolutely fine. Now I am not sure what else I am missing as i have done the same for that file as well. 

13 - Pulsar

@db89 so that warning is simply the columns don't match in the file that is erroring.


Besides checking they're in the same order etc you will also need to check if the datatypes are consistent. I've had it before where one file was picking up a columns as numeric and the other as text so check that as well.

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