Is it possible to extract the Sybase DDL for a table (or a set of tables) ?
I'm able to connect using Generic ODBC connection and extract data from the tables.
do you mean the ddl of the query - you can try dynamic output in-db and set it for the query.... otherwise you'd need to use an API. Not overly familair with that specific DB syntax so I can't help.
No, want to get the table structure like,
create table xyz
( id int,
This may be of help to you: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Desktop-Discussions/Extracting-the-DDL/td-p/338159
Short answer here is probably no.
That means it's possible - but not sure if anyone here has the knoweldge on Sybase internals to guide you through it. I'd recommend looking here:
and other Sybase generic resources since this is 98% a "how do I do it in Sybase" vs a "how do it in Alteryx" question.