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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Extending Alteryx App

12 - Quasar

Hi there

Is there a way we can Extend Alteryx?

I have so many customers and don’t want to use the Gallery as it seems having all of their Apps in a single gallery.

So basically, i would like to use .Net Framework or and customize the gallery and build the GUI with Menus for each categery / Customer and execute the App instead of the current Gallery what comes with Alteryx

So is it possible, if yes how can I do that? Is there an API Available?




11 - Bolide

Hi Saravanan,


There is an API for the Alteryx gallery and Alteryx Private Galleries. The documentation for it can be found here:

In the "Creating your own API Client" section of the documentation there are functional examples in C# and Javascript. Although a client could easily be made in just about any language as the authentication is OAuth spec and everything else is POST / GET requests. My team leaverages Python for our API client and it works great. 


WIth the API its possible to do a number of things including:

1) Chain processes together. EX: Have your ETL system call the API once the data is loaded each day to kick off an Alteryx job which uses that data. 

2) Completely bypass the Gallery UI and build a completely custom UI specific to your use case.

3) Integrate Alteryx functionality in an app on iOS or Android without using webviews.




12 - Quasar

Much Thanks Ryan

i will give a try it out and let you know if any questions



