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Exporting File to Excel - ERROR

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I am having trouble exporting a very large file to excel.


I am receiving the common 'your file exceeds x records' when trying to export to an excel file.


Is there a workaround to overcome this error? I need this large file to export to excel. Thanks!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Dear @NRD,


Have you tried to export to CSV and then open it with Excel.

Your problem is you reach the limit of the records supported by Excel it's not about Alteryx.


Hope that helps!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

how many rows do you have? Excel can cope with 1 million rows, only:

11 - Bolide

If you're willing to split your data across many worksheets in XLSX you can use the "Take File/Table Name from Field" configuration in the the Output Data tool to work around the 1,048,576 rows per worksheet limitation.


Attached an example of writing 10M rows into single XLSX file across 10 worksheets.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The error is due to excel limitations, not Alteryx. Excel is limited to a little over 1M rows per sheet. To get around this, you can set a row limit for your output. Alteryx will automatically break the output into multiple files with up to the number of records set to.


Alternatively, you can change your output to a .csv.



