Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Existing Alteryx Solutions for Fund Administrator - SS&C, Citco ?

5 - Atom

Hi Alteryx Team, I am working on WAM Clients such as - Hedge Funds, Private Equity. I wanted to check if any Alteryx macro solutions / workflows have already been designed by teams before which audit clients having Fund Administrators - SS&C or Citco ? These are most common Fund Administrators which maintain books of accounts for many WAM Clients across USA and have similar reports for every client. I am looking for Alteryx solutions in Capital Allocation / Investments etc. If you could help me get in touch with the EY person who would have worked on such clients before and successfully created Alteryx workflows which can be implemented in my Clients, that will be great.


Hi @AroopChand 


Your company's dedicated Account Executive and Engineer should be able to get you in touch with others in your company who are likely doing similar analysis. I shared this post with them so hopefully they can help you connect the dots!
