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Execute a VBS with command line for a application call

7 - Meteor

Hi Experts,


I am now facing a problem, I build a script calling application 'outlook' in it with a XLSM marco,

I then call VBS via workflow, it works fine on my laptop. but when I run it in server, it run and return successful but nothing happens. I wondering there is a limitation on the application that been called inside a VBS from server or we shall have any special setting or installation in server to make it happen? do we have any information about this.


the code in VBA is like this 


Set lappOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set lappNamespace = lappOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set lappRecipient = lappNamespace.CreateRecipient(Rng.Cells(i, 1))

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I imagine the issue is that your server is unlikely to have Microsoft Office installed and therefor running applications like Outlook or Excel is not actually going to do anything.


The above is the reason I recommend avoiding VBS scripting for workflows you wish to publish to the server, unless your organisation are willing to install office on said machine.


