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Error opening table: Microsoft Access Database Engine:

8 - Asteroid

Hi ,


I am getting error as below. Please let me know if anyone has any solutions.


Dynamic Input (12) Error opening table: Microsoft Access Database Engine: The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. 


I have installed Microsoft drivers:  to support legacy excel format. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @anbugans,


What version of Alteryx Designer are you running currently (Help -> About)? Are you unable to open any Access databases (using a standard Input Tool), or is it just one or two in particular? We do have a .mdb sample in our sample data folder (C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Samples\en\SampleData) that you could try opening. If you are unable to open any Access database, the issue might be with the driver. If you are able to open the sample .mbd database, can you please post a screenshot of your Dynamic Input Tool's Configuration, the names of the files you are trying to read in with the Dynamic Input Tool, and a screenshot of the tool in your workflow?



7 - Meteor



I'm getting the same error as anbugans. I'm currently using version 11.8.4. I get this error when trying to use a legacy ".xls" Excel document in my workflow. I believe anbugans may have the same issue. I'm not attempting to use MS Access at all.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @ericlaug


Are you using the Dynamic Input Tool to pull a user specified Excel (.xls) spreadsheet? If so, can you please include the entire file path, including tab name, then update the Dynamic Input Tool to read the entire file path? If this does not resolve the issue, can you please post a copy of your workflow?





7 - Meteor

Hi Sydney,


I am using the Dynamic Input tool. From your reply, I tried a few different things by adding the formula tool and some settings on the Dynamic Input tool but I'm still getting the same error. For this workflow, I'm trying to open the most recent ".xls" file in the directory.


Here's my workflow. It feels like I'm close but I just haven't crossed the finish line. 



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @ericlaug,


Which version of Alteryx are you currently using? Can you please try using three pipes to delimit the sheet name from the file name in your Formula Tool instead of one? Also, can you confirm that the first sheet you are trying to read in is in fact Sheet0, and not Sheet1 or another name? Finally, if neither of these changes resolve the error, can you please try running this workflow with a file path that does not include any spaces?



7 - Meteor

Thanks for your diligence!


I'm currently using version 11.8.4. I did try three pipes instead of one but to no avail and, strangely, the sheet names are actually Sheet0. I also eliminated all spaces from the path and file names. I'm still getting the same error.


Here's something that's unexpected though. In my directory tool, I'm only looking for the ".xls" extension.but I seem to be picking up ".xlsx" files in my workflow too.I did try deleting these xlsx documents from the directory but that still didn't solve the problem.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @ericlaug,


Can you please try adding a $ after your sheet name in the Formula Tool, and see if that resolves the error for you? I was able to reproduce the error on my machine, and adding the $ resolved it.









7 - Meteor

Yes, it resolved it for me too. Thanks for your help.


Btw, it looks like I only need one pipe character, not three. It seemed to work either way though.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you Sydney F! This is the solution I was seeking.



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