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Error: Output Data (6): Error opening connect string: Can't create Data Source Object

6 - Meteoroid

Hello! I am trying to output data to an Microsoft Access database and keep getting this error "Error: Output Data (6): Error opening connect string: Can't create Data Source Object". This error appears if I am trying to import data from the Access database as well. I currently have Microsoft Access Runtime 2013 installed as well. Hoping for an easy solution!

11 - Bolide

Try installing Access Database Engine 2010 64bit.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you, that helped with importing data from an access database. Now I am trying to pull data from an excel sheet and paste and append it into an access database. When I run my flow, I get this error on the output tool: 

Error: Output Data (3): DataWrap2OleDb::SendBatch: Microsoft Access Database Engine: You must enter a value in the 'BilledFees.Fee _Type' field.\3314 = -541331061
Insert into `BilledFees`(`_Bank`,`Fee _Type`,`FEE_ID`,`_Fee Description`,`Alliance`,`_Outlet Account`,`_Outlet Name`,`_Merchant`,`_Merchant Name`,`_Count`,`_Retail Billed Fee`,`_Count1`,`_Retail Billed Fee1`) Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
