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Error Opening SHP File - Cannot Find File

5 - Atom

I've been having this issue with a .SHP file and can't seem to figure out what the cause is. At first I was thinking it was because the file was saved to a drive location and not to my C drive, but that hasn't solved the issue. Anyone encounter this issue before? 




17 - Castor

Hi @cmtella245 


I tried to reproduce this with some of the census spatial data I have. I noticed that when the associated .shx file was not in the same directory I would get this same error. Does your shp file have an associated shx file? If so moving it to the same directory should work.


I don't work with spatial data enough to have a solid answer for you unfortunately. 

17 - Castor

Here's another thread on this that seems to confirm it, you'll need to make sure the other files (shx, dbf, prj, etc) are also there.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@Luke_C is correct. Shapefiles have between 3-5 files with the same prefix that must all be in the same folder for the shapefile to open.

John Hollingsworth
Clear Channel Outdoor
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar