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Error: Model Comparison: Tool #3: Error in names(scores) <- paste(score.field, "_", y.leve

7 - Meteor

Hi, I am Angela. I have been working on developing a logistic regression model and using the model comparison tool to compare models. I have been troubled by errors in the model comparison tool. I have tried to change the variables and punctuations but it doesn't help to solve the errors.

The error: Model Comparison: Tool #3: Error in names(scores) <- paste(score.field, "_", y.levels, sep = "") :

Any help would be appreciated!

Please find attached the workflow and input file. Thanks.

7 - Meteor

Hi Please. Thanks.


Perhaps can you send me the file again and see if I can run it or not? Millions of thanks.

19 - Altair

This was the version I did with the (working) tree tool.

7 - Meteor

It does not work 😞


Would you mind capturing me the report for logistic regression, stepwise and model comparison? As well as making a decision tree and model comparison.


Sorry I know I am asking a bit more but this workflow is really important to me as it is an urgent work that I have to analyse within hours. Millions of thanks,

19 - Altair

Do you want me to run the score with one the models too?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Great work, @apathetichell! ConnectNamedPipe errors are quite often environmental, so I recommend reaching out to our Support team. They'll know the right questions to ask in terms of whitelisting, anti virus software (McAfee can cause problems), etc. Cheers!

7 - Meteor

It will be much appreciated if you can also run the score for the models. 

Thank you!

19 - Altair

Do you prefer the Tree model? I think the stepwise is currently hooked up. also - I could run both if you want- and post the output as .xlsx. Also you wanted the model run with all the data- no? I'm no expert in these things but with the thresholds for your Tree set so low (to include the West Region values), I'd want to scrutinize the model for overfitting.


For future R workflows, it might be worth reinstalling R and even turning off anti-virus when running some of the workflows. As @CristonS mentioned - R is very machine/environment specific. You can also do test runs of your data in Rstudio to see if its flagging the same errors.

19 - Altair

Something like this? It has both in an excel sheet. Could you mark one of these posts as a Solution so that the next time someone is struggling with their R Models hopefully they can get some pointers in how to troubleshoot their workflow/data.

7 - Meteor

I prefer running both Decision Tree and Stepwise models. I don’t think all the data should be run as I saw that the errors are high. And as I remembered, the root node errors are high, not sure how can I reduce the errors.


Yes you could scrutinize the model for overfitting.



19 - Altair

the .xlsx has both with the stepwise and the decision tree run on all the data and labeled as such. If you want it just run on the eval/test data let me know and I can set that up too. Also I could render if if you want more readable excel data.
