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Email with attachment using Alteryx Email tool

8 - Asteroid

I want to send emails to multiple suppliers with their respective attachments i.e excel files,  the problem here is the files are stored in Sharepoint and if I give the file path it takes my computer drive path like C: /... when I send the file via email to someone

using Alteryx the file does not open because the file stored in my computer location, how can I attach all the files and send to the suppliers so they can download that and read in their systems. please help !!!


What formula should I create to get the files in the table as per the suppliers , so that I can use that as an attachment in email tool? Thanks again and Please help.

14 - Magnetar

If you are running this workflow on your machine, you can just point the Attachment area on the Email tool to a field that has the correct path for each file for each email address.

8 - Asteroid



I’m guessing your problem is not on the e-mail tool. But on the connection Alteyx x Sharepoint.


The “C:” location to Sharepoint is just a shortcut to Sharepoint on your machine.


If you follow this steps on connection you’d probably get this one around:


Hope this helps,



8 - Asteroid

@Tanai_GoncalvesThanks mate,  I did the same process, syncing that folder into the local machine but when I upload the workflow into the server , does it takes the same file path for files from my local system? 

8 - Asteroid

@gabrielvilella  Currently, I am running on my machine, but how does it work when I run this workflow through the server? From where it will take the files as an attachment?

14 - Magnetar

To run this on the Server you have two options:

  • Sync the Server machine with SharePoint and point the Email tool to the correct path that works on the Server.
  • Download each file using the SharePoint connector, save it and then reference then point the Email tool to that location. This will require a macro to read the files.
8 - Asteroid



No, it isn’t the same path as your local path.


Usually Sharepoint is shared through a online link.
