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Email Tool Help! I would like to send the file created by my workflow

8 - Asteroid

Hi Alteryx Super Heroes!!


I am new to Alteryx and have built this workflow to have each output create one Excel file.  I would like to email the individual output files to different people and the entire excel file with all output sheets to another group of people.  How do I do that?


Any help is greatly appreciated!!









21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I am also not really know about this email tools, perhaps this can help you with.

And your workflow is missing the Input Excel file, so we will not be able to give a try.

17 - Castor

Hi @Gr4c3Sult , I believe you will have to save the outputs to the excel file first and then create a separate workflow to send email including the attachments to the recipients.I am not sure if it is possible to save the output and send them at the same time.


Sapna Gupta