Hi all,
I want the 2nd chained analytic app to disable a container and stop the tools within from running if the result from 1st analytic app count = 3, but enable the container and run the tools within if result = 4. But I have no idea how to update the action tool based on the results from 1st app. Would appreciate any help!
I have attached the package within. Thank you in advance!
So I would go about this by editing the next workflows XML on the fly.
This is what the XML looks like in designer
and reading it directly from the Alteryx file it looks like this
What you need to do is input the secondary workflow into the first (treat it as a csv, no delimiters and no header)
then updated the segments for the relevant Node (each node is a tool) switching between <Disabled value="False" /> and <Disabled value="True" /> as required.
(Note you wont need any interface tool with these containers)
Then you need to save back over the workflow and it will be ready to be picked up down the chain :)
Hi there!
Is there a simpler way to this? I can't really follow the steps as I'm not familiar with XML
See if these posts help: