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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Dynamic input tool stuck at 1%

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone , I have a workflow in which I am using 5-6 excel inputs for each  am using a formula tool to create the fullpath then after using a dynamic input to change the entire file path but after running the workflow , the workflow is stuck on 1% on dynamic input and not  progressing forward for hours, showing no error and remain in running state. If I run the workflow without the dynamic input tool then it runs properly without being stuck. What causing the the issue I am not able to understand can someone help??? Please help!!

15 - Aurora

you can use a macro to do this effectively

15 - Aurora

find the macro attached
this will work
mark done if solved.

11 - Bolide

Are you able to post the workflow so we can review? There is definitely a more efficient way to accomplish your task, but the simplest approach will depend on your data structure.

8 - Asteroid

Actually the reason of using dynamic input is to insert the todays date folder in the full path where my input files are downloading… can i achieve this using macro ?? 

15 - Aurora

yes you can
please try using the same macro just add a formula tool before second macro

15 - Aurora

@arsh011 is this solved?
