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Dynamic input not working correctly

8 - Asteroid

I apologize for this lengthy (and probably simple) request but I cannot figure out how to configure my dynamic input. 


The beginning of my workflow has two textbox tools and two action tools that connect to my data input. 


Workflow Layout.jpg

The text box tools and actions tools are configured as shown (with the dates changed to 3/31/2019 and 2019-03-31 for the other two tools).

Text Box.jpg


Action Tool.jpg


And the SQL for the strings that are being replaced is as follows.



So the workflow initially prompts the user to enter two dates (a begin date and an end date) when the workflow is run in our non-production gallery as shown below. 


Gallery Prompt.jpg

But when use the date format shown above I get an error "Error: ORA-01843: not a valid month." 

So I tried entering the format "01-JAN-19" in the text boxes but then I don't get any data as I believe it is replacing string 2019-01-01 with 01-JAN-19 and there is not data in this specific format. 


Could someone assist? 


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @crtakacs 


Have you tried to use the Date Interface Tool, instead of making the user to type the date in a free format?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @crtakacs you need to select the string you want to replace as shown below. You might want to use the Date interface tool. Have attached a sample workflow.Interface.JPG

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @crtakacs another way you could do this is use a dynamic input to update a where clause and replace the dates in your sql from the user inputs. Would suggest you feed in a text input with the dates entered from the user that then feeds into the dyanmic input so you can use Replacement field.Dynamic_Input.JPG

8 - Asteroid

This worked perfect - thanks! 
