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Dynamic input not reading header from .xlsm file

5 - Atom

I have an input .xlsm file that needs to be read using the dynamic input tool. The 1st row in the sheet is the header and the remaining contains the data. In the preview for the dynamic input tool the headers are accurately visible, but when running the workflow the first row of data is being taken as the header. What can I do to resolve this issue? I'm able to correctly input other sheets of this same file in other parts of the workflow.

16 - Nebula

Hi @AnnSuzane 


Could you please share the dynamic input configuration that you are using? The First Row Contains Data must be unchecked and the Start Data Import on Line must be properly configured to the first row (if the header is on the first row of the xlsm sheet, use 1)



5 - Atom

I had made these specifications in the configuration but still was getting the same error. I ended up converting the file from .xlsm to .xlsx and the error resolved itself. Thanks for your input.
