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Dynamic filename output to sharepoint

7 - Meteor

I have a workflow that works just fine when I output to my desktop using the usual output tool.   It transforms data for a rollling 4 months each time, and then the data is saved into the file relating to the month:





Now I want to automate it fully, put it up on the server and have the output save the files into sharepoint, and I can't find a similar way to do this with the sharepoint output tool:




How can I do this?


13 - Pulsar

Are you able to sync the sharepoint path to your One Drive? If you are I would remove the sharepoint output tool and use a normal output just as you have it now. Put the workflow into that folder structure and just run it as if its on your local machine. I've dumped the sharepoint output tool and started syncing all of my Sharepoint sites to One drive. All the flows work as if they are saved locally by doing this. 

7 - Meteor

That's a smart idea, thank you.  Do you know if it still works on the server if I link it through the onedrive?

13 - Pulsar

It should, as long as your company doesn't have restrictions on file types saved in SharePoint folders. You may need to have them whitelist the workflow file extension. 

7 - Meteor

I tested and, with a bit of fiddling, got it to work via desktop designer at least.  It now updates the sharepoint files directly.


Still working on server but feel like thats a separate issue!

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