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Dynamic Replace

5 - Atom

Need help in configuring the Dynamic Replace tool.


I have a two column excel file: From & To. For example

from    to

1         Y

0         N


I have used the dynamic replace tool to replace values in a column per the above table. But, if my input column has 'Y' it becomes NULL because it is not part of my table above. I don't want to have put every possible values in the column in the above table as the input data may vary and that is okay with me.


I just want what is in the file to be replaced and leave every other value as-it-is. I can't seem to get Dynamic Replace to do that.


Is there a hack to do this or a combination of some other tools perhaps?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@dostabhi Would the find replace tool accomplish what you're after? That would certainly fix your null issue, but perhaps there is another reason why you're using the dynamic replace tool.

5 - Atom

Thank you for your response, I'm using the Dynamic replace because my reference file is actually in following format:


Field    From    To

A        1           Y

A        0           N

B        ''           Unknown

B        x           y


Now field B can have multiple values which i would want in my output to be as-it-is. I'm converting the From to a Boolean expression using a formula tool before feeding it into Dynamic Replace Tool. I followed this post:


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@dostabhi What about something like the attached where you add 1 more record to catch everything else and leave it untouched. I'm guessing your current setup is similar to the left side of the workflow (on a much bigger scale). That shows that unmatched values end up as [null]. On the right, I've made a few tweaks to fix this:

1) Changed the Output Value to be quoted since I'm going to call it a formula now.

2) summarize my fields and add a record with boolean = 1 and output value = [_CurrentField_]. 

3) Union original rules with step 2 above and forcing the output order so that step 2 comes last. Since this is a catch all, we need this one to run last.

4) change the dynamic replace so that the box is checked for values are expressions/formulas.



5 - Atom
Thanks a ton! Worked like a charm.