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Dynamic Input file and vlookup

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


Currently on a daily basis, i would have an excel with different dates  on it and currently i am trying to solve this error as even if i use (*) to make the file path dynamic it generates an error. My workflow would be that it takes 2 different excel files (1 static) and (1 dynamic) before creating a new column and doing a vlookup. Would there be any way to solve this dynamic path ?



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

To help us better understand the issue can you kindly confirm

1. Are the dynamic and Static Excel files located in the same folder?

2. Are the dynamic excel file having any naming convention?

3. Can you give a set of sample data files?

8 - Asteroid

Hi Qiu,


Many thanks for the prompt response.


1. Are the dynamic and Static Excel files located in the same folder? - the files would be in separate folders 

2. Are the dynamic excel file having any naming convention?- nope so it would be quite standard just that the date would change accordingly. example dynamic file_20210520 for today, dynamic file_20210521 for tomorrow and so on.

3. Can you give a set of sample data files? - Have attached the excel files.


Would there be an issue if the folders are in different locations?


Thank you!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Thank you for the sampel file.

The question 1 and 2 are related.

If they are in the same folder, we need a naming convention to differentize them when using wild card for the dynamic one.

Herei is the sample flow and hope I am undersstand you correctly.


8 - Asteroid

Hi Qiu, 


I realised that the file would be in .csv format, would that make a difference in the file path ?


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I dont think so.


8 - Asteroid




Weird, it's giving me the above error though. Do you have any idea whats causing it ?


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

maybe your file path with quote mark?

Can you show me your whole error message?

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @gavinloi 


Small enhancement on @Qiu's workflow which might be helpful to you. Set "Start Data import on line" configuration of input tool to 2. So that 2nd line with column names is correctly referred and becomes your Alteryx field names




Next step would be to use find & replace tool to do vlookup



Resource on find & replace tool : 


Hope this helps 🙂

22 - Nova
22 - Nova



and can you share the sample csv file which you are using. It says issue in record 1 the issue can also be in data too.
