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Dynamic Input IN-DB

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone, looking for some help. 


I want to dynamic update my SQL Where Clause. However, there is a limitation on the qty of records you can have in the Where clause (around 16k). I have a list with more than 100k records,


I am looking for a solution where I can break this in batches of 15k and dynamic send them to the Dynamic Input IN-DB for the update of the where clause. I am not sure how can I make the Dynamic Input IN-DB run in batches. 


Thank you so much,




11 - Bolide

@gcosta - make sure your macro is set to a Batch Macro.  The default is Standard.


And make sure your mapping the correct fields to your input.








18 - Pollux

What database are you using - I run an IN statement (effectively a Where clause) with close to a million options on Redshift. 


short is - I'd look into using an IN clause vs a Where clause if you are looking at values in the same field. If you want me to walk you through this - feel free to DM me.

7 - Meteor

Yes!!!! It worked!

Thank you so much @Robin_McIntosh . Such a nice workflow. It opens up so many solutions. Love it. I appreciate it your help!! 

11 - Bolide

@gcosta - Happy to help and glad it worked out for you.

6 - Meteoroid

@Robin_McIntosh  - In the formula tool, please advise you just defined the path where "In-DB Connection" file is saved on your system? How did you save the In-DB Connection file to your system. I understood the rest but not able to figure out this part.

18 - Pollux

@apekshitdhokeyou must configure an in-db connection under advanced options/manage in-db.
