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Drop Down Tool

7 - Meteor


So i am facing difficulties on how to configure the Dropdown tool and action tool for the List Values Selection where i have Manually listed the Values in the Drop Down tool for the Columns that are found in my Input tool which are Debit and Credit. I have Listed the Values in a drop down tool  Debit, Credit and Both where if the User selects the Debits then the outcome should only be for Debit same goes for Credit and if selects Both then the Outcome should have both of the Columns as Outputs. Below is the Screenshot of the Workflow please help with any solution.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 081117.png

13 - Pulsar


You are using the wrong tool to do what you actually want to get. Drop Down will give you only one option to select. You need to use List Box tool that will enable you to select multiple items. No need action tool, you can connect Q to Q and this will make your life easier.

21 - Polaris

@Gratus_tz How do the fields look in the input file? Can you upload a sample input file?

7 - Meteor

Here is the Excel Example

21 - Polaris

@Gratus_tz workflow attached


7 - Meteor

Can you check this Workflow regarding the Questions that I asked you

21 - Polaris

@Gratus_tz can you upload the input file? Also can you tell me the requirements?

7 - Meteor

So typically am supposed to create a Sampling Selection App that will be used to select Samples accordingly to the Methods Selected from the Button Tools. As u can see from the Workflow I have upload i still face some challenges especially in the Selection of columns where its either to select debt, credit or both. I have aslo include the Guidance for the Output Report and screenshots on how it is supposed to be..

The ‘Output’ report will have the following details:

Name of the Entity  & Selection method of sample E.g stated as follows: Sparked Community – MUS Sampling Selection Report’

Date: (this is the date on which sample report is generated) – 24 Sept 2024


The output report should include the following:

  • logo – top right
  • Thereafter, the following details stated on the sample selection report


Below are the details that will come out on the ‘Output report’

I am adding the details for the PDF that are included as part of output report


The sample has been selected using the inputs listed below. See parameters used in the sampling form.


High value Threshold:   XXXXXX  (it states the amount)

Values Selected:            Debits only (this is stated based on what had been filled above)

MUS Starting value :     XXXXXX


Then a table layout is shown below which includes the following (see screenshot below):

Population that is subject to testing (same amount as per the listing uploaded)

Selected sample – this is based on the ‘number of samples’ mentioned on sampling form under the category of ‘Random sample size per Caseware sampling form’ –

Screenshot 2024-10-11 082658.png

7 - Meteor

Check out this Sample Gl

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