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Downloading data from the website - XML Parse

8 - Asteroid

Good morning,

I wonder if it is possible to download data from the website.

My assumption is that once a week I will run a workflow that would download all the data from the following website:


I have tried to apply the workflow I found here on the community, however I am getting an error:

XML Parse: expected end of tag 'META' at Line:4 and Column:3


Could someone please help me with this.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



I just tried to get data from the specified URL via Download tool, but it failed:403 Forbidden


Can you share your workflow because it sounds you are at least able to get XML data though I couldn't. 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @Luk88kk 


I found that unchecking "Encode URL Text" in the Download Tool helped. See potential solution attached,

Screenshot 2023-10-23 111727.png

8 - Asteroid

I am attaching the workflow and xml that I downloaded from the website, and the error information.


8 - Asteroid

Hi @PhilipMannering,

That was the target I wanted to achieve.

Thank you very much it works great!


If I may, I have one more question. My idea is to have this workflow run automatically once a week. Thanks to you, I already have the base and will save it in a folder. But is there a possibility that when something new is added to the site, I mean a new regulation, is there a possibility that I will be informed about it.
Or Alteryx will download the new file when there is something new. On the other hand, if there is nothing new, then nothing will be downloaded?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Unfortunately not. Or atleast, I'm not aware of how to do this. The next best thing would be to schedule it to run regularly.

8 - Asteroid


thank you very much for your help.
Have a good day.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You could do a conditional statement and schedule it. Everyday it runs, if the data is the same as the previous day or even "already exists" in your DB (flat file or a real DB), you can flag it as "0" or "Old". If a new entry appears, then you can flag it as "1" or "New". Though this requires you to compare what you have vs what you load everyday. In theory it should be doable.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE