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Download data from URL with user id and password

8 - Asteroid

I am looking for help with creating an atleryx workflow to download data from a website with user id and password.


Step 1: open the URL


Step 2: enter user name and password 


Step 3: click on login and we go to a new page


Step 4: on the new page, select relevant box


Step 5: check the acknowledgement box


Step 6: Click on "Download zip file" to download the file to specific location


thanks a lot






17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @raghusrealm,


I saw that you tried to solve a similar issue during the last year.
This the solution proposed by @RishiK didn't help you this time?


I don't have experience in this area, but this sounds quite interesting, and I wanted to understand why this solution doesn't work for you.

11 - Bolide

As you've described several hurdles to actually get to the download location, this may be a scenario where an RPA tool (like UiPath an Alteryx partner) comes into play to simulate a user interacting with the browser.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @raghusrealm ,

This is is best managed through screen-click emulation using something like Selenium.


There's a great article on this here:


