Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Documentation Tools and Processing Time

Hello, we are currently working on a workflow in Designer which will eventually be in Server. The workflow is quite large and takes some significant time to run. While I know being on server should drastically reduce processing time, we are trying to make sure this is most efficient. 


That being said, would using documentation tools/annotations on specific tools cause a delay in processing time? While we understand the need to document, we need to make sure we are doing this strategically. 


Thank you for the support 🙂


The documentation tools should have a negligible impact on workflow run time. In fact, I would highly suggest that they are used so that the workflows are easier to maintain and update in the future! 


@RebeccaCurry_dup_261  I would also like to add that you should take a look at the "Performance Profiling" option under the Runtime tab in the configuration window. It will show you a breakdown of the percentage of workflow runtime for every single tool on the canvas. This is a great way to understand which operations are taking the most time and if there are any opportunities for optimization. 


performance profiling.png


You will likely find that your inputs/outputs take the most time, so ensuring that you are using the best drivers is always a good idea. Also, if you are querying data from a database, you may find that leveraging In-DB functionality for what you can prior to bringing the data in memory is also a good idea to minimize the volume of data that actually needs to travel over the network. Also sometimes formula and multi-formula tools can be more efficient than the Data Cleansing tool so that is another easy way to save some time in your processing. 


I hope this helps point you in the right direction! 
