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Disc space on temp drive is running low - no browse everywhere

7 - Meteor



My Alteryx ran into an error message showing "Disc space on temp drive is running low. No browse everywhere data created." my local disc shows ample space, approx. 203GB, so don't think this is a problem...

So when I run workflow, I can't preview any data without adding browse tool..


I've also tried overriding system default of data limit for each anchor, but doesn't help.


Please does anyone have any idea how to solve this issue? 




15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Anniefang 

Maybe your workflow is using a different temp storage...

Have you checked your user settings?

Annotation 2019-06-15 133125.jpg


Or Workflows' Configuration?

Annotation 2019-06-15 133241.jpg

7 - Meteor

Hi @Aguisande 


Capture.PNGI used Global default, but have tried to change it to temp file location - the temp file in engine only has a few files...



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Anniefang 

Can you try this for me?

I'm assuming that your C: drive is the one with 200GB+ available storage

Create a new folder on C's root, and only change the temp directory to that particular workflow and change it to the new created folder?


Let me know what happened after running the WF.

7 - Meteor

Hey @Aguisande 


Is it like this? I'm still getting the message....



19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Anniefang 


Is it possible that your workflow is generating more than 200GB of temp data?  You can check by changing the Connection Progress option on the Workflow-Configuration "Canvas" tab.  Change it to Show and run the workflow again





The displays beside each tool will show the number of records and size of the the data set at this point, in this case 5 records and 289b







7 - Meteor

Hey @danilang,


The biggest data shown is 223MB..and the others range from 1kb to 8MB..

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

What @danilang is suggesting is the next step.

Can we have more detail on what your wf is doing? 

probably a join generating a cartesian? Or something like that?


7 - Meteor



I'd say the data is pretty big, as the wf has 2 macros reading a specified tab across 40 files in the directory, but what it does is literally just taking all the transactional data in the one sheet in 40 files and group them based on currency. 


I have run the workflow fine previously, i.e. getting data preview when clicking on the output anchor, but not today. Now even when I run a tiny wf or a text input, it's getting the same issue....

19 - Altair
19 - Altair



Do you have another local disk that you could set as the location of your temp files?


Could you have any other processes that may be taking up your computer resources?  


What is the general state of your computer?  When you go into task manager do you see anything running at or near 100%?


I know this is cliché, but have you tried restarting your computer?


