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Disable Wrap Text for Table Render

7 - Meteor

Have a workflow that generates a table render into an Excel sheet. This includes a column with a long list of manufacturing operations that still need to be completed, however when the table is generated the rows have "Wrap Text" enabled and it creates a very messy looking table. I want the rows to be the default height in excel without losing any of the operation data, I just want it to get cut off by the following column if it would overflow. I cannot find an option to change the wrap text and assume some sort of Row Rule Formula is required, whether it be something to disable wrap text or something to lock the height of a row to a specific size. I have tried a few options and researched extensively but cannot find anything or get it to work. If anyone has experience with changing some of these settings or what a formula code would look like I would appreciate any help/direction. Thanks.

21 - Polaris

@MattReif_SE try to change the Render tool paper size to custom and increase the size


7 - Meteor

I did try that but there are too many operations, and I don't need them all displayed as it stretches everything very far. I would like to have a set column size to show only the next 5 or so operations without just cutting the remaining ones off in case they need to be looked at. I have attached a reference photo so that you can have an idea of the desired output.

21 - Polaris

@MattReif_SE I don't think the Render tool support specific column width for specific columns,

7 - Meteor

That function is supported by the Table tool if this is what you are referring to, I have set a custom fixed width of my operations column using column rules but due to the forced wrap text it extends my row height to be gigantic to try and fit everything.



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