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Different tables to different sheets in one file, based on sheetname

8 - Asteroid


i need to output different tables with different structures,  to different tabs in one .xlsx file. Both sample tables are attached. The last field in each table is the intended sheet name.

I want to output that into a file, which the path is dynamic. 

I was trying with the Output tool with no  results, also reading other posts on this topic, although, none worked, as render tools and layouts don't have a dynamic file path option and i don't want to see it in a browser view, i just need to send it to a file, which the path is dynamic with the tab names.

Thank you so much,

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @jcardoso 


We need to construct the full path + file name + sheet name and configure output tool to change entire path. This way filepath, filename and sheet can be dynamically set.





Hope this helps 🙂

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think we need a batch macro for this.


8 - Asteroid

Hi @atcodedog05

your solution throws an error half way through outputting to several tabs.

""Error: Output Data (42): Unable to make final write to FILENAME for By Source.xlsx, Error Win32 Error 1175""

was searching of a solution for this here but no luck (changing the output to an .xls)

@Qiu , would you please send it but unpacked please? Don't have many quick options of updating alteryx version (although it's a recent one, yours must be even higher!)

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Here you go.


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @jcardoso 


You can use this guide to downgrade the packaged workflow


Hope this helps 🙂


8 - Asteroid

@atcodedog05 your method of changing versions really worked! Already shared among fellow colleagues! Appreciated!

@Qiu your macro works on the assumption that the .yxdb tables are stored somewhere as a physical file, in my case, those .yxdb files they are tables as an input end result from a bigger workflow. So the input of the macro should be the table directly, not the file containing the table.

Is there any workaround to this?


Is there any workaroun 
