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Designer Predictive Tools stopping at 22%

7 - Meteor

I am a university professor, and I recently updated my Alteryx Designer to 2022.3.1.395 and the predictive tool to Alteryx Predictive Tools with R 4.1.3.  I also installed the patch Alteryx Patch 2022.3.1.430.


When I run predictive, tools the tools stop executing at 22%.  I have tried both association analysis and histograms, and both stop at 22%. Please see the screen capture below.  I have also posted the workflow with data which will appear at the bottom of this message.

















Workflows without predictive tools execute to completion with no issues.


I looked for known issues but found none that addressed this problem.  Did I miss one?


Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have no idea how to resolve this issue.


I am running Windows 10.


Screen capture from Alteryx showing installed Designer version.
















Screen capture from control panel listing installed version of Designer and Predictive Tools





I thought the problem could be the AMP engine, so I turned it off for the workflow and received the errors in the screen capture below.




The workflow has executed fine in previous semesters.


Thank you!


Thank you for the workflow. I was able to run it on the same version you are using without errors, as well as a Dev build of our next Release version. 

I will ask someone from the Predictive team if they know of anything that might be causing this. 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Product Manager, cloud App Builder
7 - Meteor

Thank you!

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