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Designer | Input Tool | Error: Input Data (2): A field was missing a closing quote

7 - Meteor

Reading .txt file 



I am having this error when using .txt file as an Input, the records in the file I am getting is less than its actually there in the file
is there any way to input all the records 
any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @azkh , I would try to mess around with this option in the configuration and see if that fixes it:




19 - Altair

click treat read errors as warnings. extend your field size from 254 to 25000.


It looks like 1 record in 25,000 is giving you an issue. You may want to check out that one single record. If this came from a human created source - that happens.

7 - Meteor

Hi, @FinnCharlton I already tried these options in the configuration, which doesn't fix my issue.

7 - Meteor

@apathetichell the file is system generated the error in the text is actually a code which has a hyphen, commas as well.

19 - Altair

sorry - you're options are:

1) make sure you've played with ignore delimiters - ie does the file have delimeters (, in this case) in fields in quotes? If not - turn that off - if so - are they wrapped in single quotes or doubles.

2) talk to the team that produced this file. What type of encoding are they using? why are they creating orphan quotes? is there something they can change to make it 100% digestible?

3) Ignore the read warning. process the rest of the data.

7 - Meteor

@apathetichell @FinnCharlton I appreciate your responses. I converted the Ignore delimiters to "single quotes", enabled the AMP option to "Allow new lines in quoted fields", and as a result, the records which were discarded are being read, the error I was seeing has been resolved.






