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Delete in Pre-SQL Output tool to snowflake doesn't finished

11 - Bolide



One of our workflows is using an output tool to Append some data to a table in Snowflake  and it also has configured the Pre-SQL statement with a Delete of the same table using the date as a filter to delete just -45 days from the current date.


This configuration was working normally but yesterday it started to failed and the log shows it stays forever trying to execute the delete. The amount of rows is always between 15.000 and 20.000.


Anyone has experienced this? Maybe some insight of why this is happening?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @randreag 


Which driver are you using to connect to Snowflake?

I can imagine INSERT and DELETE operations are pretty slow for these databases since it does record per record.



11 - Bolide

Hi @Thableaus 


We are using snowflakeodbc driver the last version.


Yes that was what I thought but the thing it was doing it normally for a month and then error.. that is the big question it is a alteryx bug?
