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Days Contained Data in Column

7 - Meteor

Hi, I have two columns of data that contain the days of the week a flight is operational.

Each column is for a certain flight that operates on those stated days.

The outcome I want to achieve is to know if the days that are contained in the "Right_Operating Days" are within the "Operating Days" column.. it does need to be an exact match, but there do need to be matches. Example attached. 

16 - Nebula

Hi @sevans ,


I have created a workflow that answers your question. I have also added two additional columns that will tell you which of your days matched and which didn't, I thought that would be helpful to know.


Screenshot 2020-11-06 182911.jpg


Please let me know if that worked for you, by the results I got it seems to be working fine.






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can use a text to columns to split the concatenated values apart. From there, you can use a contains() formula to create a flag for if the value is contained in the other list.




7 - Meteor

@ AngelosPachis

Thank you very much for this workflow, this does exactly what I wanted.


The additional clarification to confirm what days are and are not included is also very useful!


Many thanks 
