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Date properly formatted in Excel do not convert to alteryx date format

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to work on an Excel spreadsheet imported with correctly formatted dates. When the dataset is imported to Alteryx everything seems fine and dandy and I see the dates with the correct Alteryx ISO format 2020-10-26. But they are not, they are in fact strings and whatever I try to make sure they are in a date format in Alteryx is not working I tried datetimeparse([Original Date],'%m/%d/%y'), I tried todate(left([Original Date],4)+"-"+substring([Original Date],4,2)+"-"+Substring([Original Date],6,2)), I tried to use the DateTime tool, it remains a string. It starts to be aggravating since I cannot use a date which is a string in m

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @EasyDDI 


Can you share some sample data on how your excel date looks.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Most like the data is the excel is set to text based on my test.

And there might be something off about your parsing format. Check attached workflow.1028-EasyDDI.PNG

6 - Meteoroid

Here is the sample data. The field causing me headache is highlighted in yellow 'maturity date'

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Is this supposed to be correct? 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It seems normal data at your sample file. It is correct format as Date Type.






Probably because there is String Type data in somewhere at maturity date field.

So the Date type and the String type were mixed, it was recognized as a String type and caused by the error.


6 - Meteoroid

Thanks. I tried this formula but not like this, I was doing the datetimeparse but was keeping the result in the same column and the formatting was remaining as a string. I think this was the core of my issue.



6 - Meteoroid

yes indeed, it is supposed to be a date,  but when I import the data, I have it as a string...

6 - Meteoroid



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @EasyDDI 


You sure the datatype was set as Date in datatype section. Yellow highlighted. Just a hunch


