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Date formula question (calculating prior month, range of prior months)

7 - Meteor





I have a date formula question I am running into difficulties with. I am have a dataset where one column contains dates. The dates are the last day of the month, all months from Jan 2020 until Dec 2022. For ex, there are 2020-01-01, 2020-02-02 etc all the way until 2022-12-31, so 36 months in total.


I have a user input tool and action tool connected to a formula tool. The current input date is 2022-12-31.



While the dates include the day, I really only need a formula that picks the right months. I am trying to create formulas in which, given the current input date, do the following:



  1. Given current input date, obtain prior month. So write a formula to obtain Nov 2022 (2022-11-30) from Dec 2022. (2022-12-31)
  2. Given current input date, obtain month 13 months prior. So write a formula to obtain Nov 2021 (2021-11-30) from Dec 2022. (2022-12-31)
  3. Given current input date, obtain the range “All 12 months before the current month” So a formula to select all records from Dec 2022 through Nov 2022.


I appreciate any help. Thanks



20 - Arcturus

@adriennelenker I think you need filter tools instead of formula tool, I created a workflow based on your requirement. I used the date tool instead of text tool






