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Date Input User Interface

7 - Meteor

I am using the Date interface to update the as-of date in my workflow. However, when the user is selecting the date, I'm getting an error that the formula "AS_OF_DATE_STRING" resulted in a number but the field is a Date/Time. Can someone help with this?

12 - Quasar

Interface Fix.png


This removed the error for me: by default you were replacing the speech marks as well and causing an error

7 - Meteor

I made the change but am receiving the same error when I try to run as Analytic App

12 - Quasar

Sorry for missing the mark on the first one.


Try this in the formula with the above change as well:

Datetimeparse("2023-03-31", "%y-%m-%d")


This means you can input a string and then parse it to date and the data type should now accept it

7 - Meteor

Now getting an error that says "Type mismatch. Number provided where a string is required"

12 - Quasar

weird it worked ok for me that time - having opened up your attached file you still have the speech marks round your date in the update action replace specific string - they need to be gone. I have updated your uploaded workflow with the changes and a table and render tool to show that it is updating for me.


Interface too.png


7 - Meteor

Working now; thanks!

6 - Meteoroid

Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong here my Paid date column from source is in datetime format and given dates are user input just like in the ongoing topic 


Under Custom Formula :


Datetimeparse([paid_date],"%y-%m-%d")>=Datetimeparse("2021-07-01", "%y-%m-%d") and Datetimeparse([paid_date],"%y-%m-%d")<=Datetimeparse("2021-08-01","%y-%m-%d")

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