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Date Conversions problem !!

5 - Atom

Hi all , 


I am very new to alteryx. I am trying to convert an unix  time stamp(Publishing date JavaScript equivalent of a DateTime
how many milliseconds have passed between now and the beginning of 1970: for example:1474315762000) to date in alteryx. I am getting all the data in from an API in json format and parsing it as string. 


I need solution for 


how to convert from unix time(data type :string) to date in alteryx! (FYI i tried datetimeadd, and did not work properly) 


Any help would be appreciated 



Nagarjuin Srinivas 


ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Probably the easiest way it is to use a select tool to convert to an Int64.


You can then use a formula tool to convert to a datetime by adding seconds to 1970-01-01:

DateTimeAdd('1970-01-01',Field1/1000, 'Seconds')

Alteryx only stores dates to the nearest second so you need to keep that as a separate column.


Sample attached.

5 - Atom

Thank you for the solution. it worked 



Nagarjun Srinivas 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @jdunkerley79 I have one query related to unix/epoch time conversion.

I'm using this formula to convert this unix/epoch time into normal date time format but it throwing an error - 

Error - "Error: Formula (23): Parse Error at char(38): Formula: tried to apply numeric operator to string value (Expression #1)

Formula: DateTimeAdd('1970-01-01',[created_at]/1000, 'Seconds')


Can you please help me what wrong I'm doing here?

Thank you

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