Hi, I would like to validate my data counts and amounts between the input and the output of the workflow analysis to ensure the values are the same. I have tried using the test tool but it doesn't work correctly. See below an example of the input and output I am trying to compare and validate. thanks.
Hi PeggyGithinji,
With the test tool you can validate the row count. I recommend you to have a look at the tool example flows, here it is doing that.
You can also use the summary tool to sum total value and count rows that you later on join together to see the difference.
What kind of output are you looking for? True/False, table with the difference for [Count] & [Amount], other?
For that amount of data a union of the input and output would give you all the information you need to compare and validate.
In general, we can use the Join tool to bring the data together by common Key Column then use a Formula too to compare.
Can you provide more details so we can try to make a sample flow?