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Daily growth rates

7 - Meteor

Hello Alteryx Community,

I'm new to the Alteryx community and struggling to create a workflow.


Please find attached excel file as data for reference.


I have daily values for 2024, with weekends and holidays as 0.

I want to add 3% reduction to the 2024 values to calculate values for 2025.

The data is on a daily level basis, and I would love to apply reduction to a month of 2024 and plot the resulted value for the same month of 2025.


Example - Let's say for January 2024, I have values for the first 5 working days as - 10 ,20, 30, 40, 10 then I would love to apply 3% reduction to these values and calculate the resulted value for first 5 working days of January 2025, the result should be - 9.7, 19.4, 29.1, 38.8 and 9.7.


I have added all the dates for 2025 in the file and added value as 0 for weekends and holidays, for all other days (workdays) I have kept it blank - this is where the resulted values after 3% reduction to 2024 values should go in.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you all for your help in this.

16 - Nebula

Can you please add sample output for more clarity.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hey @saurav_palekar,

Due to weekends and holidays moving around I took an assumption that you're comparing weekdays. My approach should be reasonably future proof (decreasing each future year by 3%), but it's entirely based off that joining logic (so the non-holiday/weekends are linked up based on their order in the year, rather than date, or day of week etc. etc.)


Hope that helps,





