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Dynamic Summarize Tool to add new records in a pivot table.

8 - Asteroid

Hi Community,


Does any of you know how to make the Summarize tool dynamic so that when a new record for a new month is added in the attached workflow, then it can be included in the pivot table? In the example attached, February transaction is not being captured by the summarize tool (last line in the text input tool).


I marked with a comment the point that is not working. This is the exact mimic of a current report, so I need to keep the look of the final report - pivot table shown in the browser tool at the end :) 


Thank you a lot for your guidance!!


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The Transpose + CrossTab will help here! The Transpose is the key here since it allows for dynamic/unknown columns. See if this meets your requirements:

19 - Altair

The short is - you can use a batch macro to change which field (and which action) you apply in a summarize tool but it's a) fairly complicated and b) almost always easier to do what  @alexnajm suggest. 

16 - Nebula

Agreed with @alexnajm Solution this will be easy and Dynamic.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you so much for your ideas. It worked perfectly with the combination of the Transpose + CrossTab ! 
