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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Crosstab Changes Dashes to Underscores in Column Names

7 - Meteor

I am running into an issue where I am using a cross tab to gather all details of a particular item into its own column. 

However by doing so, the crosstab changes the name of the field; instead of TEST1-PM I am getting TEST1_PM as my header. 

Is there a way to set the crosstab so it does not change the "-" to an "_"? 


Please let me know any suggestions. 


Attached is my file. 




11 - Bolide

Hey @ClaytonA 


It is cross tab default behavior to convert any non numeric/word character into underscore '_'. To rename columns as per your need, You can use dynamic rename following cross tab tool. 

  1. You can use formula in dynamic rename tool to replace underscore with hyphen on column names.
  2. You can store columns names in text input tool and use dynamic rename tool to update fields dynamically.
  3. There is another way, using select tool to rename fields (Hardcoding)

Let me know if you need any assistance or have any questions with regards to dynamic rename tool.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



You can do that using a dynamic rename :



