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Creating a Drop Down to run as app

7 - Meteor

Goal - users to filter data via the server from an Alteryx database without having to request it from me each time.

Drop down menu to pick Start State (multiple allowed) and also End State (multiple allowed)


I have tried list box and drop down and these don't work.  I've Googled endlessly.  I've tried using an Excel document with all states listed to feed in.  


I think my problem is how to set up the filter in order to accommodate multiple ("AB","BC") selections and then also for the update value tool to update them.


Any walk through on this would be greatly appreciated!

17 - Castor

Hi @AllTheQuestions , try this demo app that I created using listbox, I hope this will solve your purpose and give you an idea to move forward with the approach.



Sapna Gupta
12 - Quasar

Hi @AllTheQuestions 


You may benefit from chained analytical apps....using a Tree tool in the 2nd that uses key and description fields from a database updated in the 1st.


