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Create a workflow to send out emails

6 - Meteoroid


Can someone please help me create a workflow to send out emails to the email address listed on the column "I" of the attached sheet. I would like to send one email only to the recipient even though the email address is listed multiple times. Also in the body of the email the information I want is what is listed in both the rows column "A" through "E".

For example:

one email sent to email address ""

With the below information 

VendorDocument Header TextDocument NumberDocument DateAmount in doc. curr.
16 - Nebula

you can use table tool to merge the data for the user
and achieve the required output


16 - Nebula

find the workflow attached
mark done if solved.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Raj,

thank you for showing the table feature. when I am trying to connect to the report text and trying to send the email, it is not giving me the contents on the table. Below is what I am seeing in my emai. Would you please let me know what I am doing wrong.


Hi there,

Please review the docs <div class="ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e" width="100%"><style> .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e tbody .column0 { numeric:true; decimal-places:0; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead .column0 { numeric:false; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e .column0 { text-align:right; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead .column1 { numeric:false; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e .column1 { text-align:left; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead .column2 { numeric:false; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e .column2 { text-align:left; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead .column3 { numeric:false; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e .column3 { text-align:left; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e tbody .column4 { numeric:true; decimal-places:0; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead .column4 { numeric:false; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e .column4 { text-align:right; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e tbody td { font-family: Arial; font-size:8; color:#000000; vertical-align:top; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e tr.evenRow { background-color:#ffffff; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e tr.oddRow { background-color:#f0f0f0; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead tr { background-color:#dbdbdb; } .ddbb957af6eb340eb9025e4c707a8a53e thead td { vertical-align:top; font-family: Arial; font-size:10; color:#000000; } </style><datatable style="border: 1px solid #000000;" width="100%" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" rowGroupSize="1" rowsContained="3"><views><dataview></dataview></views><columns><col/><col/><col/><col/><col/></columns><thead><tr class="headerRow"><td class="column0">Vendor</td><td class="column1">Document Header Text</td><td class="column2">Document Number</td><td class="column3">Document Date</td><td class="column4">Amount in doc. curr.</td></tr></thead><dbody><dr><cell class=" column0 DefaultNumericText" style="" >775234</cell><cell class=" column1" style="" >EPAY</cell><cell class=" column2" style="" >9800043996</cell><cell class=" column3" style="" >2022-06-06</cell><cell class=" column4 DefaultNumericText" style="" >-1500</cell></dr><dr><cell class=" column0 DefaultNumericText" style="" >711986</cell><cell class=" column1" style="" >EPAY</cell><cell class=" column2" style="" >9800051032</cell><cell class=" column3" style="" >2022-09-07</cell><cell class=" column4 DefaultNumericText" style="" >-314.43</cell></dr></dbody></datatable></div>

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