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Create Points Tool - Field Conversion Error Limit Reached

7 - Meteor


I am currently creating some postcode points using longitudes and latitudes. I am getting a 'Field conversion error' saying limit reached. I have seen in other discussions this could be due to the size of the field but I'm not sure what fields I need to be increasing the size of. Please could I have some help?

Thank you!

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

@Zoe_cross16 can you send screenshots of the error message and post your data? I haven't seen this error with the Create Points tool before, usually it's with the Select tool

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Zoe_cross16, I've seen this before when values go outside the acceptable lat/long ranges. When I ran into this it was because either my lat/long were the wrong way round or I needed to use 'Fields are Lat/Long Integers'. Hope this helps!

7 - Meteor

Thank you! There is also 10 errors alongside this where the same tool says 'lat: A value was out of range and no point was created'. Could it just be that a few latitude values are incorrect causing both of these errors? If so I don't mind as long as it is only for 10 records out of the millions I am looking at. Would this mean it is only these 10 having 'conversion limit reached' errors?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Zoe_cross16 - having reached the conversion error limit just means that Alteryx stops reporting it. However, it won't stop processing data and there could be more than 10. I'd check the actual count by using a Summarize tool and performing a 'Count Null' on the [Centroid] field that is being created to see the true number!

7 - Meteor

Ok, thank you very much! I'll give it a go

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