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Create PDF's with specific user info from different sources

8 - Asteroid

Hi All - Been racking my brains for a while on this one and tried several different methods....Just about pulling what hair I have left out!


OK, so in my flow (which is somewhat large), I create 4 different PDF documents:  Doc 1 contains information A, Doc 2 Contains information A and B, Doc 3 contains information C and Doc 4 contains information D.  Doc 1 and 2 contain similar data fields, but 3 and 4 are completely different.  It is possible that a Recipient in Doc 1 is also in all the other docs, only some of them or just 1.


I have these 4 flows going into a Summarize tool, which Groups Recipient, Recipient Email, Filepath and Text.  This then feeds to the email tool where I attach the correct filepath etc..


What is happening though is that when the emails are sending, it is sending individual emails to the recipients with 1 PDF file.  What I need to happen is twofold:


1.  Where there is a recipient in more than one of the documents, I want it to just send 1 email

2.  If the recipient is location in 3 PDF's, I dont want 3 PDF's attached to the email, but rather 1 PDF with the 3 documents shown.


Is this possible?


Unfortunately due to company restrictions I cant supply screenshots of data, but if any further information is needed I will try my best to supply / explain.


Thanks in advance

11 - Bolide

Sorry in advance for the eyesore Paint edits below...


Since I don't know what errors you're getting or what data you have coming through the "Create Email and Contacts" container, my best suggestion at this point would be to try linking the 2 flows back up after that Layout tool & after you've finished the email / contacts tools.




8 - Asteroid

Hi Matt - That is great.  It worked!  Just have a slight 'side effect' to that......It's now started to send out duplicate emails again (same data multiple times).  Have attached what my flow looks like now

11 - Bolide

Have you resolved this issue yet?


If not, can you confirm that the output from that last Join tool has only 1 record per recipient?


I'm not sure what the dataset from that lower flow looks like, but perhaps it needs a Unique tool added to keep duplicates from coming out of the Join...

8 - Asteroid

Hi Matt - All good now thanks.  I just added a Unique tool after the last join and that seems to have resolved the multiple email issue.  Thanks again

8 - Asteroid

Hi Matt - Same flow different issue..........All the new bits are working great and I have now added a further email tool to allow for any anomalies to be sent out to a different sub set of individuals.


Where I am having an issue is where the Layout is pasted below the text on the email........So, when the email is sent, I have all the correct text that I need and then I have the two outputs highlighted in Blue on the attached (BP and BIA), but for some reason the output produced for Issue Status (Red arrow) is not showing on the email.......It is all showing correctly on the PDF attachment though.


Any thoughts why this might be the case?

11 - Bolide

It sounds very odd that the PDF is good and just the email is incomplete.


I'd troubleshoot by disabling your 2 blue marked flows so only the content from that issue flow is heading into the Union (and therefore into the PDF & email).  Confirm that the content still exists just before the email tool using a Browse tool to have the layout actually rendered for you.


Hopefully that will help you identify where something's getting lost.

8 - Asteroid

Hi Matt - Looks like I didnt put my Data Cleansing in early enough in the flow.  One of the ID's had spaces in it which was causing the issue.  Re run now and all looks good.  Thanks again
